Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Extends Temporary Eviction Moratorium Through July 31, 2020 and Directs Staff to Report Back on a Plan for Once the Moratorium is Lifted

From our friends at AAGLA

“On Tuesday, June 23rd, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors extended the County’s temporary eviction moratorium through July 31, 2020. During the same meeting, Board Supervisors also directed staff to report back on recommendations to prevent evictions and foreclosures upon the expiration of the County’s eviction moratorium and approved an allocation of $30,000,000 from the CARES Act Corona Virus Relief Funds to the Los Angeles County Rent Relief program.

Extension of the Temporary Eviction Moratorium

The Board of Supervisors voted to extend the Temporary Countywide Residential and Commercial Renter Eviction Moratorium for an additional 30 days through July 31, 2020. The eviction moratorium is subject to re-evaluation and possible extension every 30 days.  For full details of the County’s Residential and Renter Eviction Moratorium, please refer to the June 3, 2020 Resolution on Residential and Commercial Eviction Moratorium on AAGLA’s COVID-19 Links Page.

Plans For Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Measures After Expiration of the Moratorium

A motion was advanced directing the Director of the Department of Consumer Business Affairs (DCBA) and other County staff to report back within 30 days with a proposed plan, inclusive of programmatic and legislative recommendations, to aid in preventing significant numbers of evictions and foreclosures once the eviction moratorium is lifted. We will continue to monitor this issue, advocate for our members’ interests, and provide updates.

Allocation of $30 Million to the County Rent Relief Program

An allocation of $30,000,000 from CARES Act Corona Virus Relief Funds was approved by Board Supervisors to fund a Los Angeles County Rent Relief program.  The Rent Relief Program has not been established at this time. The Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) has been directed to report back in 30 days with a program framework, focusing on households most at-risk of homelessness and areas of the County where households are most likely to fall into homelessness, and to provide a timeline for the implementation of the program. Once the program has been implemented, LACDA will also report, at the 6 month and 1 year time frames, with program outcomes. We will continue to monitor this issue, advocate for our members’ interests, provide updates.”

Source: https://mailchi.mp/aagla.org/news-alert-los-angeles-postpones-vacancy-tax?e=345fabe1d7

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